Welcome to Brevard Inclusion Community

Bringing those with diverse abilities together to learn, share and grow. Let's get connected!

About Us

Brevard Inclusion Community is about bringing everyone who cares about differently-abled people together to learn, share, grow and celebrate as well as to give a strong voice to those who have been muted. Brought to you by the Agency for Life Transformations which was founded with the mission of empowering differently-abled people to create their ideal life, our commitment to making this vision a reality has brought us to the belief that we must be economically empowered people in order to leverage influence within the community-at-large. 

Why You Should Join Us

When you join our community you will find friends, experts, supporters, creators and influencers representing all of the many groups in our local area. We are especially focused on sharing content in user-friendly formats so that everyone can be involved. The Mighty Network platform lends itself to video, photos and podcasts making it fully accessible to an ability diverse audience. The polls and surveys features enable us to facilitate two-way dialogue which helps us to deliver a unified message to decision makers as to the needs and preferences of the Inclusion Community.

A Big Thanks

By becoming an active member of Brevard Inclusion Community you are enabling us to speak with one voice, to better define our identity as a community, to raise awareness about the issues we care about and to improve the lives of people with unique abilities and challenges and those who support them. Your presence here enables us to grow our audience and facilitate the creative expression of those with diverse abilities to celebrate our unique abilities.